Unboring Classics


Sergei Voitenko and “Bayan Mix” duet

A unique phenomenon on the Russian stage. Sergei Voitenko - Merited Artist of Russia, world champion in the button accordion, composer and musician, author, performer and founder of the “Bayan Mix” duet. Sergei is the winner of a large number of Russian and international awards, his sold-out tours take place all over the world. Sergei Voitenko's concerts are marked with the highest professionalism and a unique drive, and have no analogues in the musical world. Hundreds of thousands of views and downloads. A unique product and its inimitable style.


Beethoven. Symphonimento. Arranged by S. Voitenko

Mozart. Potpourri. Arranged by S. Voitenko

Monti. Czardash. Arranged by S. Voitenko

Albeniz. Legend. Arranged by S. Voitenko

Bach. Fantasy. Arranged by S. Voitenko

Vivaldi. Vivaldissimo. Arranged by S. Voitenko

Strauss.Tritsch-Tratsch-Polka. Arranged by S. Voitenko

Offenbach. Cancan. Arranged by S. Voitenko

Vivaldi. Storm. Arranged by S. Voitenko

Vivaldi. Winter. Arranged by S. Voitenko

Orchestrion Concert Hall

October 15, 2021

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