
Petya and Folk. Misteries of the Worlds


The performance was based on a musical and poetic suite created by poetess Nika Simonova and composer Andrey Zubets. “It always seemed obvious to me that the best properties of Russian music, just like in the previous two centuries, should receive a new composer’s understanding through current musical genres and technologies,” says Andrey Zubets, composer and laureate of the All-Russian Score Competition. – The symphonies of Russian composers were based on folk melodies. What we are doing now is a new mixture of folklore and symphonism, but this time along with elements of rock music, rap and electronic music. Given that dozens of musicians, a huge choir, folk and symphonic instruments are involved in all this, I would call it a musical mystery.” The music of Andrey Zubets will be performed by the Academic Grand Concert Orchestra named after Silantiev.

The well-known theater director, three-time winner of the Golden Mask National Theater Award, Alexei Frandetti, took on the production of the musical mystery: “It is extremely interesting to create a performance completely from scratch. Especially in such an unusual form, when the main character of the story becomes ... the choir. Our project is aimed at popularizing folk music among young people. We came up with such a concert and theatrical performance based on folk music. The plot is based on the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice, which we rethink. Only instead of Orpheus we have Peter and folk music, which is the main character in our story.”

Popular musical artists take part in the performance - Alexander Kazmin, well known to the public for his roles in the musicals Chess and Monte Cristo, and Yulia Dyakina, winner of the Golden Mask award and finalist of the Big Musical project. However, according to the creators of the musical "Petya and Folk", its main character is the Academic Choir of Russian Song, which literally flips all hopelessly outdated ideas about folk music and helps Russian folklore become something truly new, so that, relying on his best traditions, it was able to find its place in the future.

Choral polyphony and modern choreography, folklore and symphonic music, 200 unique designer costumes, ancient Slavic deities and fantastic creatures from secret worlds and, of course, an amazing love story - one way or another, but the musical “Petya and Folk. Secrets of the Worlds", staged by director Alexei Frandetti, clearly promises to be one of the brightest premieres of the new theatrical season.

Moscow. Zaryadye Concert Hall 14.08.2024

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