
The Little Prince


For over 80 years, The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry has remained one of the most famous and most widely read fairy tales in the world. It haunts many actors, directors, and musicians. It also interested the conductor of the Symphony Orchestra of Radio Orpheus, Honored Artist of Russia Denis Kirpanev, whom many fans of classical music also know as a wonderful storyteller from the series of programs Uncle Denis's Tales for the Little Ones and Not Only on Radio Orpheus. Denis Kirpanev believes that music can help to understand this complex, "multi-layered" text permeated with allegories. In his author's version of the fairy tale, the musician included works by Igor Stravinsky, Alexander Scriabin, Claude Debussy, Maurice Ravel, and Franz Liszt. According to the conductor, the music was chosen in such a way “to reveal to the audience what may have remained unclear in the text before, and to make more vivid what seems familiar.”

“The Little Prince” is a philosophical fairy tale-parable about good and evil with a hero who struggles with the everyday life,” says Denis Kirpanev.

“Like any good story, it is interesting at any age. In childhood, it may be difficult to understand the allegories of Saint-Exupéry, but in adulthood it becomes clear that each element of the fairy-tale world has its own meaning. In combination with classical music, the literary phenomenon of “The Little Prince”, with all its amazing simplicity, turns out to be deeper than many serious works.”

The program included fragments of works by Igor Stravinsky, Alexander Scriabin, Claude Debussy, Maurice Ravel, and Franz Liszt.


Andrey Ilyin - artistic word

Radio Symphony Orchestra "Orpheus"

Artistic Director and Principal Conductor - Sergey Kondrashev

Author of the project and conductor - Denis Kirpanev

The program includes fragments of works:

Igor Stravinsky. "Fantastic Scherzo"

Alexander Scriabin. Symphony No. 3 "Divine Poem"

Claudt Debussy. "Images. Gigues", "Images. Spring Round Dances", "Images. Scents of the Night", "Sea. Play of Waves", "Sea. From Dawn Till Noon", "Nocturnes. Clouds", "Iberia. Along the Streets and Roads", "Iberia. Morning of a Festive Day"

Maurice Ravel. "The Child and the Magic"

Franz Liszt. Preludes

Moscow International House of Music, Moscow, 25.11.2024

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